Erasure of personal datas

Personal datas defined in Article 3 of Turkish Code of Protection of Personal Datas No.6698. according to aforementioned law, the term personal data defined as any information belonging to an identified or identifiable natural person. For example, while elements such as a person’s name, surname, age, eye color, and internet search history are personal data belonging to a certain person, parked in the Ankara Courthouse Car Park; The red vehicle with plate number “06 XX 0000” is data belonging to an identifiable real person because the owner can be found out.

Restiricting, erasure and anonymizing the personal data mentioned in Article 7 of the Protection of Personal Datas. According to the law, if the reasons for processing are eliminated even though it has been processed in accordance with the law, the collected personal data will be restricted, erased or anonymized either ex officio or upon the request of the relevant person whose personal data is processed. The procedures and principles regarding the erasure of data are regulated by the Regulation on Deletion, erasure or Anonymization of Personal Data published in the Official Gazette No. 30224 dated October 28, 2017. The Personal Data restiriction, erasure and anonymization Guide prepared by the Personal Data Protection Authority regarding how to carry out the erasure procedures in the Regulation is a guiding guide on which data will be restricted, erased or anonymized.

Restriction of Personal Datas

Restriction of personal data is stated in Article 8 of the Regulation as “making personal data inaccessible and unusable for the relevant users in any way.” According to that, restriction of personal daya is, restriction or blockation of access of personal datas. The method to be followed in restriction of data will vary depending on the nature of the data. For example, while personal data on paper must be deleted by erasing, in order to delete digital data, access to the data must be prevented in some way. Which data will be deleted and how it will be deleted is stated in detail in the relevant guide.

Erasure of Personal Datas

Erasure of personal data is actually wiping out the datas collected. erased data cannot be accesed, recovered or used again. Accordingly, if personal data is on paper, flash disk or CD, burning the paper or breaking the flash disk or CD into pieces are examples of erasure. Code of protection of personal data aims complete erasure of the datas Although it is not possible to completely destroy data stored in digital environment, The law basically aims to do this.

Anonymization of Personal Data

Third method regarding about personal data is anonymization. According to Article 10 of the Regulation, “Anonymization of personal data means making it impossible to associate personal data with an identified or identifiable natural person in any way, even if it is matched with other data.” The aim here is to sever the relationship between personal data and the data subject therefore makin it impossible to reach the real person who owns that data based on the data.

Personal data must be returned by the data controller or recipient groups and/or made impossible to associate with an identified or identifiable natural person, even through the use of appropriate techniques in terms of the recording environment and relevant field of activity, such as matching a data with other data.

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